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and I followed around the woods until it disappeared. It scared away all the birds. went on out to the fence and was sitting on it when I heard a loud note like [[squiggle underline]] [[?pradl-der]][[/squiggle underline]] coming across Engelman's pasture. It was trilled at first and sounded like a bell at the last. I jumped the fence in an

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instant and ran down to the river frightening up a Tree Sparrow by the way. It was the first of the year and I stopped to give a hasty at it through the glass and then looked for my bird. There he was in the top of a tall tree across the [[erasure]] tho [[/erasure]] river. I found when I got home that he was a White-rumped Shrike. his breast was

Transcription Notes:
- The wavy/squiggle underlines indicate that the word underlined is a bird call. - Agree with transcriber's suggestion of "pr?dl - d?r" - "hasty" should be changed to "pasty" [food].