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[[image-plan of the residential areas]]

1-3 year Plan
Planned for development by the third year is the first of eight villages. Each village will be comprised of a variety of housing. Single family dwellings in quiet settings. Townhouses nested in garden-like atmospheres for those who prefer country living without the chore of maintenance. Garden apartments offering full services and low mid rise apartments with elevators for those who favor apartment living. Located near the lake and surrounded by aromatic pine and cedar. All conveniently near schools, churches, shopping and activity areas. Planned for a leisurely pace. You'll discover life and fulfillment in Soul City.

The Thirty Year Plan
During the term of the overall plan Soul City will grow to eight villages. Each village will be comprised of approximately 5,000 residents. All will include one or more elementary schools, churches, activity centers and other facilities. Creating its own individual character, Soul City will be guided by its Master Plan. An Educational Park is programmed for education from junior high to university level. Five community parks and activity centers will be strategically located throughout the complex. Designed by people ... for people, your life will be more enjoyable and meaningful in Soul City.

Soul City is a new community assisted
by the Community Development Corporation of HUD.

equal housing opportunity [[image]]