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April 3rd 1922

Mrs. Francis Neilson
4800 Drexel Avenue
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Mrs. Neilson,-

I first wish to thank you for the very charming reception you gave me during my stay in Chicago.  I would like to apologize again for the very informal way I telephoned you.

I appreciated very much the very fine pictures you showed me, and was especially interested to see again "Captain Porter", which I had not seen for a long time.

As you have a very fine house yourself, I suppose that it would interest you to see our very fine Paris house, and I take the liberty of sending you herewith a monography of this mansion.  I remember telling you that I thought your Jan Steen came from the Oppenheim collection, sold in 1913 at Coln-/Rhein, but I was mistaken; I looked the matter over as soon as I arrived in New York, and find that the one of the Oppenheim collection has nearly the same foreground but not at all the same background.  However, I want to go further into the matter, and I shall try to find out in Paris where this picture comes from.  If you could send me a photograph of it, it would make my searches much easier.

Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you soon in New York or in Paris, and with my renewed thanks for your very courteous reception, I remain, dear Mrs. Neilson,

Yours sincerely,