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[[underline]] Insurance of Baggage. [[/underline]]


JEWELRY. This certificate covers on Jewelry against all risks of loss or damage, except risks of war and risks of contraband or illicit trade.

PERSONAL EFFECTS. This certificate covers Personal Effects against all loss or damage by fire, by theft and by transportation except risks of war and risks of contraband or illicit trade and risks of breakage not caused by fires, collision, derailment or thieves.

This insurance attaches from the time the property insured hereunder is taken from the residence of the assured and covers wherever said property may be during the term of this certificate, except in places where the assured has specific insurance on the above described property.

It is understood and agreed that the assured may accept such baggage checks or receipts as may be issued by carriers without prejudice to this insurance by reason of any limitation as to value of baggage as expressed or provided in any ticket or contract of transportation, but it is agreed that the assured shall not enter into any special agreement with the carriers releasing them from their common law or statutory liability.

This certificate shall be reduced by the amount of any claim paid hereunder unless the amounts so paid shall be reinstated by the payment of pro rata additional premium

No suit or action on this certificate for recovery of any claim shall be sustained in any Court of Law or Equity unless commenced within twelve months next after the date of loss.

All adjusted claims shall be due and payable thirty days after presentation and acceptance of proofs of interest and loss at the office of the Company.

This certificate may be cancelled at any time upon written request of the assured, the Company retaining or collecting the customary short rates for the time it has been in force; or, it may be cancelled by the Company by delivering or mailing to the insured at his last known address ten day's written notice of such cancellation and, if the premium has been paid, by tendering in cash, postal money order, or check, the pro rata unearned premium thereon.