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January 13, 1921


Dear Mr. Seligmann--

The most important one of the persons I wanted you to meet tomorrow evening at dinner cannot attend. Besides, Mr. Ellis of Washington is coming up and has asked me to meet with him and others in the evening in connection with some important matters.

I am very anxious to have a talk with you before you depart, and as I am leaving for Chicago either Saturday or Sunday, I hope that you can take luncheon with me tomorrow (Friday) at 12:30 o'clock. I am making it this early because I have a directors meeting at two o'clock.

I understand you are in Boston and return here Friday morning. I am sending this letter to you in duplicate, one to your office and one to your hotel, with the desire that it reach you at the earliest practicable hour.

Faithfully yours,

[[signature]] Max Pam [[/signature]]

Germain Seligmann, Esq.,
New York City