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April 10th 1920


Miss K. Park-Lewis
454 Franklin street
Buffalo, N.Y.

My very dear friend,-

You must have received my letter while yours of April 5th reached me here. Many thanks for the letter of introduction to Mrs. Wolcott; how very curious that I should have met her through Mr. Glaenzer just the day before I received your sweet note. I forwarded all the same the letter of introduction to her. As you suggest, I will ask her, or Mr. Glaenzer will, a line [for?] Mrs. Schoellkopf.

To my very very great regret, I will not be able to see "Mike" before I leave; the boat leaves on the morning of the 14th, and every minute of my time I might say is taken up to that date. Is it not dreadful to miss her when she is in New York?

Again dear friend many thanks for all you did for me. Present my very kind regards to your parents and believe me,

Faithfully yours,