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Sproatt and Rolph.

Henry Sproatt R.C.A.
Ernest R. Rolph

36 North Street.


^[[architects de [[underlined]] Wood [[/underlined]] et [[underlined]] Cox [[/underlined]] ]]


Mr. Andre Seligmann,
Messrs Jacques Seligmann & Co: Inc:
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Seligmann:-

I received your letter to-day of the 25th inst: and it is certainly flattering to find men like your brother and yourself giving such praise to our work as done in "Hart House". It is more than unusual for any visitors to this building to ever think of sending us a line of appreciation, in fact you and Mr. Fearon have been the only two that have done so and and we appreciate both letters very much.

It is more than kind of you to think of us in connection with the book you speak of on "French Cathedrals", and to say that we would be appreciative of such a book would be putting it very mildly.

[[underlined]] Re "Royal Ontario Museum" [[/underlined]]

I entirely agree with you that examples of Gothic, Italian, or French Renaissance of the best 18th century works of Art, Craft and Ship would enrich our museum much more than the Chinese, especially from an educative stand point, but still I have a great love for this art especially in the Ceramics of the best