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March 2nd 1920


Mr. Mortimer L. Schiff,
c/o Kuhn Loeb & Co,
William & Pine streets
New York

My dear Mr. Schiff,-

Many thanks for your kind letter of the 1st of March.

I have given instructions to send you the negatives to 932 Fifth Avenue after the necessary prints have been made, if the prints are ready before I go, I will take them to de icci; if not I have given orders to have 3 copies of each print.

I am very sorry that you cannot accept my proposition concerning the.desk.

You are certainly now aware of the sacrifice which I was making in order to see the desk in your possession, and I am convinced that you believe that I was considering the sale of this desk from a mercenary point.

I can assure you that you are mistaken as my interests, as a tradesman; are just the opposite way. The only reason why I tried to meet you was the pride I had to see myself represented in your really beautiful drawing-room by such a marvelous piece of furniture.

I am sorry I have not been able to succeed and I do not insist any longer, especially as with the best of my desires, I am not capable to do what you would like, neither to do what I would have liked. This shows that we are not always to fulfill our wishes, and the consequence is