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 [[Invitation mounted sideways at top of page above picture]]                            

                               THE NATIONAL OFFICERS

                                     of the


                                cordially invite you
                    to attend a meeting of one hour's duration

                         TO MARK THE FORMAL OPENING

                                    on behalf of

                            32 PRIVATE NEGRO COLLEGES

                            Wednesday, April 18, 1945
                                     at 4:30 P.M. 

                                      IN THE
                                  Rainbow Room
                                   65th Floor
                                30 Rockefeller Plaza
                                   New York, N.Y. 

Pleae Reply on 
the Enclosed Card

[[photograph in the center left of the page]]

[[article to the right of invitation at top of page]]

"Those Begging Joints...Some folks 
with their mouths full of flattery call
them normal schools, colleges, and even
universities. The 'puhfessahs'...
will tell you without you even asking that
these are 'great works'... They have
builded this g-r-e-a-t institution! The
mouthspread would take in the mighty 
expanse of Columbia University, but you
look around and see ... nothing to speak
of in this day and year of our Lord.  The
next thing you know, the talk has gotten 
around to funds..."
   These hard words were written, in a 
recent American Mercury article, by Zora
Neale Hurston, B.S., Litt, D., Rosenwald
and Guggenheim fellow, about some of the
U.S. schools fostered by her own Negro
race.  The better U.S. Negro colleges, long
aware of the unsavory repuration of such 
institutions, combined with their fund-raising
efforts two years ago unter the sponsor-
ship of John D. Rockefeller Jr.* This week
the United Negro College Fund, headed 
by Sperry Corp.'s President Thomas A. 
Morgan, opened its second annual drive ,
for $1,550,000.  The Fund may not in-
clude every good Negro college.  But its
32 member are all intelligent, imagina-
tive schools urgently devoted to racial
uplift and interracial understanding. 
*for other news of Mr. Rockefeller, see
                   TIME, APRIL 23, 1945