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[[Page is a montage of many newspaper clippings from April 1945 overlaying and fragmenting the text of the articles clipped.  The theme of all is negro college fund raising.  In center of page is a blue photomontage showing military formations and an academic procession overprinted "As Victory" in red.  There is also a red framed picture showing 4 men in front of a "United Negro College Fund Campaign" sign.]]

[[clipping on top left side corner]]
rtan y[[?]] Mr. more whit and all[[?]] n educa- in training dership the on of problems."
[[/page is cut]]

[[Clipping on top left]]:  NEGRO COLLEGES JOIN IN FUND DRIVE-
Cooperation was asked today the 32 Negro colleges, includi
Talledega College and Tuskegee I
stitute in Alabama, which h ba[[?]]ed together for an appeal pub information and fund ng known as the United Negro College Fund, Inc., 1945 Campa one tenth of the nati population is Negro, the guid and instruction that the race now will affect our whole [[page covered by another clipping]]

[[clipping on top left]]
DOYL[[?]]STOW [[?]]
[[/page covered by clippings]]

[[clipping top middle left]]
to support Negro colleges
[[/page is cut]]

[[clipping of ticket top middle left]]
APR 4 - 1945

[[Clipping in middle left]] Seek to Raise Funds for 32 Negro Colleg
New York of the Unit campaign a will seek to tion wide driv
The U.N. ed organization ed Negro co years ago by P sk of  [[page covered by another clipping]]

[[Clipping of ticket]]
Cir. (D237,600) (S 383,333)
This Clipping from 
MAR. 18 1945

[[image covered by newspaper clippings]]

[[image black and white top middle]]

[[clipping of ticket]]
APR 1 1 1945

[[clipping on middle right]]
Seek to Raise Funds for 32 Negro Colleg
NEW YORK, Apr 11 (INS) of the United Negro C campaign [[?]] y will seek to raise a nationwide drive April 18. NCF is an incorporat on of private accredit eges formed two siden
[[/page covered by another clipping]]

[[clipping of ticket]]
[[?]] W YORK, N. Y.
[[?]] D. 277,172
MAR 6-1945

[[clipping on top right]]
Rockefeller and Hoving Speak at Rally.
The Un College Fund will nual camp there are only 70,000 Negro co lege graduates in th enation, an 85 per cent of them are servin the race as teachers, doctors an ministers. He said the remainin 15 per cent is too small a grou to aid much in the solution race problems, hence the impe ative need for strengthening an enlarging the Negro colleges. Mr. Hoving said that the co lege members of the fund a graduating about 6,000 Negroe annually, and the campaign lea ers will seek to increase thi until 200,000 Negroes a very four years. 
2 Given in 1944.
when twenty-seve re represented in th totalling $901,812.1 ibuted by 71,000 ind rporations, labor an foundations
[[/page covered by another clipping]]

[[clipping top right corner]]
of trust- of the Rockefeller
ident of ational $650- col
grow mpathy, ce and good ong the busines ciated with the drive Hoving, president of Lo lor, who is chairma tional executive iam W. Aldric chairman mittee the
[[/page covered by another clipping]]

[[clipping of ticket on right]]
C[[?]] - JOURNAL
S. 223,200

[[clipping on side middle right]]
Head S
Embree, nk, Tw ted to fo M
[[/page covered by red framed picture]]

[[clipping of ticket]]
APR 27 1[[?]]45

[[clipping below on the left]]
Discuss Negro College Campaign

[[clipping bottom left]]
gr so the Negro may assume in rtant role in the country's tw life, aid in solving racial blems and add to the nation's sperity was emphasized yester- American business leaders oc ed with the United N lege fund campaign.
national goal of $1,550 e, which opens A ounced at a meet f leaders and college s in the Rainbow Room o A Building, 30 Rockef za
h as A. Morgan president
visory committee, said the cam-paign will give Ame an op-portunity to W d give together d Ne-gro er in ding,
NEW YORK, April 10. (INS) ficials of the United Negro Col- e Fund campaign ann ced ey will seek to rais in nationwide ril
[[/page covered by another clipping]]

[[clipping on bottom right]]
Rochester, N. Y.
Negro College Fund Sets Drive for Apr.16
New York - (AP) - The second ual United Negro College Fun aign, to raise $1,550,000 32 private Negr n Apr. 16, T al ch

[[clipping on bottom right]]
r. terday by dent of an of ts n
Wolf John nan of mittee, to " Dr. Pat- urgh cam- headed last successful in ort to aid Ne-
id: "I
[[/page covered by other clippings]]

[[clipping bottom right corner]]
6 1945
ollege Fund Drive
to Open April 18
eral banking and finance lead- will have active roles in the United Negro College Fund Cam-paign which will seek $1,550,000 for thirty-two private accredited Negro colleges beginning April 18 under he  national  chairmanship of Thomas A. Morgan of New York, resident of the Sperry Corp. it was announced yesterday.
Winthrop W. Aldrich, chairman f the board of the Chase National Bank, is serving as national treas-rer. Frank M. Totten, second vice resident of the same bank, is New ork city chairman.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is chair-an of the fund's national advisory mmitte.
The funds sought in the drive are be used to enable the thirty-two lleges identified with the fund to ontinue to train teachers, doctors, inisters and other leaders for the 000,000 Negroes in the United tes. These colleges will also aid usands of Negro service men, 