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168 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. [[line]] HARVEY, JOSEPHINE EVANGELINE. 314 CUMBERLAND St., Brooklyn, N. Y. b. Appomattox Co., Va. Taught three years. Housekeeper. HANS, GEORGE (Pottawattomic). Oneida, Wis. b. 1870, Reservation, Ind. Ter.; m. June 20, 1892. Mary James, undergraduate. Industrial teacher at Government school. HORNE, FRANCIS M. 305 N. Willow St., Trenton, N.J. b. Feb. 28, 1871, Trenton, N.J. Has taught. Letter-carrier. HUDSON, MATTHEW B. b. July 12, 1871, Columbia, S.C. Studied at Haverford College. JEFFERSON, WILLIAM EDWARD. Box 357, Winchester, Va. b. May 5, 1873, Winchester, Va. Teacher.