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 THE HAMPTON STUDENT                

The '22 class won the interclass championship in football for the school year. This opportunity is taken to thank these men and the varsity coaches for their enthusiastic support and efforts in helping to build up interclass competition.

The scores of the football and basketball games are as follows:

'24 | 6
'23 | 0
'22 | 51
Prep | 0
'21 | 7
'24 | 6
Shellbanks | 20
Work Year  | 13
'22 | 14
'21 | 0
Championship won by the Class of 1922.

'21 | 15 | '22 | 19
'22 | 14 | '24 | 5
'21 | 23 | '23 | 34
'23 | 6 | '24 | 13
'21 | 7 | '23 | 16
'24 | 4 | 'Work Year. | 11
'21 | 11 | Work Year. | 12
Prep | 9 | Prep | 10
'22 | 12 | Shellbanks | 15
'23 | 16 | Work Year | 8


Baseball - Edgar A. Long
Track Team - Elijah McLaren
Football - J. Broadus Coleman
Basketball - Howard O. Jones


Hampton at Union - March 28
Petersburg at Hampton - April 9
Howard at Hampton - April 16
Union at Hampton - April 23 
Hampton at Howard - May 7
Hampton at Petersburg - May 21


St. Paul at Hampton - October 8
Hampton at Shaw - October 22
Petersburg at Hampton - October 29
Hampton and Lincoln at Philadelphia - November 5
Howard at Hampton - November 12
Hampton at Union - November 24 Thanksgiving Day


On Saturday evening, March 19, Miss Olive B. Rowell, and Mr. Charles H. Williams, physical directors of Hampton Institute, with the assistance of Mr. Charles P. Howard, presented Mrs. Dora Cole Norman, danseuse, and the students of the Day School in program of physical exercises, games, and dances.

The program began with apparatus work by a large class of boys, executed with all the enthusiasm and vigor that one would naturally expect of youth. Some rather amazing stunts were done by this Class, the finishing touches to which were furnished by Edgar Milby, a special student, who did thrilling feats with amusing nonchalance. Meanwhile, another group of boys, at the back of the gymnasium, in evident enjoyment of the effect they were producing, proceeded to gambol with frog-like capers, leaping over, under, and apparently through each other, in a kind of game whose grotesque effect did not disguise its underlying need of dexterity and agility.

Thus, at the very start, the audience found itself applauding that which challenged their admiration and at the same time appealed to their sense of humor, and in this spirit of joyous activity the whole program was carried through.

There was much, of course, that was

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[[image - black & white photograph of men's basketball team]]
[[caption]] INTERCLASS CHAMPIONS FOR 1921 [[/caption]] 

the same as one would find on a physical-culture program of any institution which had regular classes in gymnastics. The distinctive features were those which, by their nature, could not strictly be called class work - the costumed folk-dances by the boys and girls together, the eccentric "stop-time" dancing by William Ball and Otis Greer, and the interpretative dancing by Mrs. Dora Cole Norman. It was largely these special features which made the demonstration an unusual one, deserving more than passing mention.

Mrs. Norman, who was the stellar attraction of the evening, chose for her vehicle of expression, Melvin Charlton's weird but poetic "Poems Erotique." Of this, in her dancing, she gave a passionate and powerful interpretation. Her dancing also the first number of Coleridge-Taylor's "Scenes from an Imaginary Ballet" was as exquisite as capricious.

William Ball and Otis Greer did an eccentric buck dance and agreeably surprised the audience by the elements of refinement and grace which they were so successful in injecting into the soft-shoed, Negro flip-flops which they executed to stop-time music.

The effect of the same restraining and refining influence was discernible in Mr. William's own creation, the "Cotton Needs Pickin'," a dance interpretative of the moods and motions of Negro field hands, which was performed by a large chorus in characteristic costumes. Perhaps it was this, more than anything else on the program, which justified the name "demonstration" rather than "exhibition," for in this the possibilities of the employment of Negro motives to produce artistic effects was clearly shown.

"Loyalty is e'er the same
Whether it win or lose the game.
True as the dial to the sun,
Although is be not shined upon."