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[[image - black & white photograph of man sitting at desk working with papers]]
[[caption]] THE SENIOR COLLEGE DEAN [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of man seated at desk]] 
[[caption]] THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DEAN [[/caption]] 

[[image - black & white photograph of man sitting at desk with papers]]
[[caption]] THE EXTENSION DIRECTOR [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of man and woman sitting next to desk]]

[[image - black & white photograph of men seated at desks with typewriters]]
[[caption]] THE RECORDER'S OFFICE [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of office with desks with typewriters]]
[[caption]] THE FINANCIAL OFFICE [[/caption]] 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

The land area includes approximately forty-eight acres (about seven city blocks) within the corporate limits of Montgomery and eighty acres located four miles east of Montgomery midway between the Atlanta-Tuskegee Highway and the Vaughn Road.

The buildings include six brick buildings, two brick-veneer buildings, two
frame buildings, a president's residence (brick veneer) and four teachers' cottages (frame) with a valuation of $460,000.


For 1936-37, the faculty totalled sixty-eight persons distributed to include seven in the administrative services, thirty-four in the college, twenty-one in
the laboratory schools (high school and elementary school) and six in the campus and dormitories division.  Of the thirty-four persons offering instruct in the college division, three have had two or more years of graduate training, twenty have had one year of graduate training and the remaining nine have earned the bachelor's degree (with one exception).


The academic organization for administrative purposes includes:

1.  The College with a Dean of Instruction who serves also as Dean of the Upper College, a Dean of Students who serves as Dean of the Junior College and a Dean of the Branch Junior College at Mobile.

2.  The Junior-Senior High School (Grades 7-12) with a principal and assistant principal - the principal serving also as Supervisor of Directed teaching and as Professor of Secondary Education.

3.  The Elementary School and Nursery-Kindergarten with a principal who is Professor of Elementary Education and with a Supervisor of Directed Teaching who is Professor of Elementary Education (methods).

4. The Division of Extension service with a Director.

The CALENDAR PERIODS OR ACADEMIC COLLEGE CREDIT ARE IN TWELVE-WEEK UNITS CALLED QUARTERS (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer credit is also entered for six-week periods in the Fall, Spring and Summer quarters.  The quarter system enables the student to enter at any most convenient at of the beginning dates of the quarters to earn credit for such portions of the school year as are conveniently and financially possible for him. 


College students have the opportunity to pursue one of the following programs:

1. The two-year curriculum for the Preparation of Elementary School Teachers (with the option of nine or twenty-seven hours in Home Economics).

2.  The Four-Year Curriculum for the Preparation of Elementary School Teachers. 

3.  One of the four-year Curriculums for preparation of high school teachers with the opportunity for the selection of major-minor sequences in English, Foreign Languages, History, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.  Graduates of the two-year or four-year curriculums an be reconmended for the designated teachers certificates entitling them to the opportunity to qualify as teachers in the public schools of Alabama. High School pupils and Elementary school pupils pursue the state course of study.


The present activities of the Division of Extension Service include:

1.  Credit classes in centers throughout the state.

2.  Conduct of state teachers institutes.

3.  Placement of teachers.

4.  Cooperation with County Play Days and other programs.

5.  The Statewide Older Boys Conference.

6.  The Statewide Oratorical Contest.

7.  The Statewide Academic Meet for High School Seniors.