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[[image: black and white photograph of a group of women]]
Sitting - Left to Right: Sorors Audrey Smith, Harriet Williams, Portia Blackiston, Hortense Watkins, Daisy Smith, Heloise Carr, Jewel Busch White. Standing - Left to Right: Sorors Ann Watt, Myrtle Rogers, Dorothy Snipes, Jean Oliver, Wanda Allen, a visiting WAC Soror of Alpha Delta Chapter, Ella James, Vada Green. [[/caption]]

Alpha Omega Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

DAISY SMITH..........President
HORTENSE WATKINS.....Vice-President
HELOISE CARR.....Recording Secretary
PORTIA BLACKISTON....Corr. Secretary
HORTENSE WATKINS.....Dean of Pledges
DOROTHY SNIPES....Co-Dean of Pledges
HELEN McCOMBS........Parliamentarian
JEAN OLIVER..........Chaplain

Alpha Omega is the St. Louis undergraduate chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

This year, the members of Alpha Omega have taken part not only in national projects, but in projects of its own.  They have contributed to the Library Project of Delta Sigma Theta and helped meet the pledge of $1000 for the Washington home of the National Council of Negro Women.

In observance of the rule that Deltas must help in the community, the chapter entertained the children's ward at Homer Phillips with a Christmas party.  It has also contributed magazines and books to the hospital library.

To celebrate Delta May Week, Alpha Omega held an Ideal Greek Contest, in which the Ideal Greek of Stowe was elected by the students.

However, this year Alpha Omega did not forget those nearest to her.  For the little sisters, the Pyramids, they gave the annual picnic, and the regular Mother's Day banquet was happily anticipated by all Deltas and their mothers.

[[image: black and white photograph of 9 people]]
First Row - Left to Right: Sorors Heloise Carr, Hortense Watkins, Daisy Smith, Audrey Smith. Second Row - Left to Right: Sorors Helen McCombs, Ella James, Dorothy Snipes, Harriet Williams, and Portia Blackiston. [[/caption]]


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[[image: black and white photograph of a group of women]]
[[caption]] First Row - Left to Right: Salenia Carr, Elaine Johnson, Colleen Williams, Dolores Lyons, Eileen Jarrett, Consuelo Campbell, Patricia Raaze. Standing- Left to Right: Mildred Walker, Ruth Harris, Inez Edwards, Wanda Shavers, Virginia Hooks, Glyneece Eustace, Nancy Rogerts, Belma Pleasant. [[/caption]]

The Pyramid Club of Delta Sigma Theta
Colleen Williams .... President
Inez Edwards ..... Secretary
Salenia Carr .... Ass't Secretary
Ruth Harris ..... Treasury

The Pyramid Club is the pledge club of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Its members are chosen on the basis of scholarship and personality.

The members of the Pyramid Club are encouraged to take an active part in the work of the community. Pyramids do volunteer work in many city institutions: the Art Center, Y.W.C.A. and Homer Phillips Hospital, to mention some. Once a month the Pyramids entertain for the public at community centers like the Y.W.C.A.

The annual assembly program of the Pyramid Club is always enjoyable, and, as good Pyramids should, they entertain their big sisters once a year.

This year the Pyramids have initiated the unique idea of each having a heart sister. The Pyramid remembers her heart sister in Alpha Omega on holidays and other special days.

[[image: black and white photograph of a group of women]]
[[caption]] First Row - Left to Right: Belma Pleasant, Wanda Shavers, Virginia Hooks, Salenia Carr. Second Row - Left to Right: Inez Edwards, Patricia Raaze, Glyneece Eustace, Ruth Harris, Consuelo Campbell, Dolores Lyons, Eileen Jarrett, Colleen Williams, Nancy Roberts, Mildred Walker, Elaine Johnson. [[/caption]]

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