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[[image - top left: black and white photo of (l-r) Desdemona (Audrey Dixon) and (Othello) Yaphet Kotto]]

Othello: It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here beside me, Desdemona!

[[image - top right: black and white photo of Othello (Yaphet Kotto) in bed.]]

Othello: The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue. There's much to come between me and you.

[[image - center: black and white photo of Iago (Richard Dixon)]]

Iago: I, who have fought side by side with him -- and he gives the commission to Michael Cassio!

[[image - bottom left: black and white of Roderigo (Douglas Gray)]]

Roderigo: Desdemona lay with Cassio! I cannot believe that in her!

[[image - bottom right: black and white image of Montano (Benjamin Ashburn) and Cassio (Louis Chisholm)]]

Montano: Michael Cassio, you're drunk!