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[[preprinted]] FRANCES P. BOLTON 22D DISTRICT OHIO COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, D.C. [[/preprinted]] March 17, 1953 Dr. F.D. Patterson President Tuskegee Institute Alabama My dear Dr. Patterson: Your letter of March 9th had been prefaced by a letter from the Board and even before that a confidential word from Claude. You have been such a fine President of Tuskegee! You have given it so much -- you have fought its battles and enriched its heritage in so many ways -- you have been generous to a greater degree than most in the years that you have been devoted to its growth! I find myself reluctant perhaps but still in definite accord with your decision. The Phelps-Stokes Fund should have only top people. Its educational director must be that. So, I am congratulating the Fund with all my heart at the wisdom of its choice and I am saying to you that you will be strengthening the periphery of Tuskegee and so continue its steady growth wherever you are -- but especially as a part of the Phelps-Stokes group. I have been able to play a very small part on the Tuskegee Board. Yet, your gracious conduct of its affairs and the influence of your methods have meant a great deal to me. I am glad you will continue with the United Negro College Fund. How delighted I am also that I have been able to so arrange my days that I can be with you once again at Tuskegee! With the very earnest hope that whatever you touch may have the blessing of the Almighty upon it. My warm regards and deep appreciation, Sincerely yours, [[signed]] Frances P. Bolton [[/signed]] Frances P. Bolton, M. C. FPB/s [[preprinted]] 450 HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. [[/preprinted]]