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Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind
Talladega, Alabama

[[image - logo of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind]]

Alabama School for Negro Deaf - ARCHER P. BARDES, PRINCIPAL
Alabama Schools for Blind - CARL D. MONROE, PRINCIPAL
Adult Blind Department - J. E. BRYAN, SUPERINTENDENT

March 17, 1953

Dr. F. D. Patterson
Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee, Alabama

Dear Dr. Patterson:

First permit me to state you will certainly be missed here in Alabama. You have rendered a great and devoted service to the cause of education in Alabama and over the nation.

I congratulate the Phelps-Stokes Foundation upon being able to have your service. I know that you will continue the fine leadership in anything you undertake

It has been a pleasure to be associated with you in many things and hope that we can continue our association together in the future.

As you know, our Alabama School for the Negro Deaf has been organized as a separate unit for only five years, but we are very proud of the progress that has been made under the direction of Mr. Archer P. Bardes, Principal, and his staff. We will have our second graduating class this year. I wish to join with Mr. Bardes and the class in inviting you to make the address on the afternoon of May 28. I know that you are busy but if you could take this short time to do this, it would be most appreciated. Mr. Bardes tells me that the children themselves voted to extend this invitation to you. Mr. Bardes' letter is enclosed.

With highest personal regards and best wishes for your continued success, I am

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]]J E Bryan[[/signed]
J. E. Bryan, President

