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134 Chickamauga Avenue, S. W.

March 17, 1953

Dr. F. D. Patterson
Tuskegee Institute

Dear Sir:

I notice from the press with serious regret that you have tendered your resignation as President of Tuskegee Institute as of June 1st.

I assure you that I have been deeply touched by this incident.

But in spite of my most serious regret of this decision, I must confess that it is your right and privilege to seek the things for your and your family's best interest.

I appreciate to the fullest of my ability the fine things you have done for Tuskegee. It has made marvelous progress under your administration.

I trust that in your new duties you undertake you will be equally successful.

I lay great value on the personal contact I have enjoyed with you.

I trust that the Johnsons will always have the friendship of the Patterson wherever they may be.

With greatful appreciation for all the services you have rendered Tuskegee, I remain

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] Jay B Johnson Sr. [[/signed]]
Jay B. Johnson Sr.