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854 EAST 87th Street
Los Angeles 2, California
March 31, 1953

Dr. F. D. Patterson, President
Tuskegee Institute
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama

Dear Dr. Patterson:

This is to let you know that I did represent Tuskegee Institute in the inaugural exercises of Raymond B. Allen, as Chancellor of U.C.L.A. Friday, March 20, 1953. The entire program was very impressive. I happened to be the lone representative of our group in the procession and at the luncheon. I am very pleased to have had the privilege of representing my Alma Mater on this occasion.

The President of the local Prairie View Alumni Club attended the banquet representing Prairie View College.

I want to express my sincere regret at your resigning the Presidency of Tuskegee Institute. It was quite a surprise and somewhat of a shock when I learned of your action through the newspaper. Other Tuskegeeans whom I have talked to feel as I do. However, since you have decided to make a change, I wish for you and your family the greatest possible success in your new undertaking. I trust too, that your successor will be able to continue the progress of the Institute as you have so ably done during your time as its head. 

Again may I thank you for the opportunity of participating in the inaugural exercises and wish for you the greatest of success.

Very truly yours,
[[signed]] A. C. Kitchens [[signed]]
A. C. Kitchens, President
Los Angeles Tuskegee Club