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images from Costa Rica.

[[underline]] C. L. Stratton, Knoxville, Tennessee.- [[/underline]]
Large collection of stone implements ,etc, from the neighborhood of Knoxville, and collection from a mound on French Broad River, 15 miles  above Knoxville, consisting of pin-shaped objects of shell, shell beads, shell gorgets with human faces carved on them, and others ornamented with lines and dots; small clay vessel, 1 human skull and thigh-bone.

[[underline]] M. Tandy, Dallas City, Hancock County, Illinois. [[/underline]]
Large collection of flint implements, polished celts (one of hematite), hematite chisel, grooved axes (some of peculiar shape, differing from any in the Museum exhibit) pestle, hammer-stones, hematite sinker, polished spear-head, catlinite bead, paint-stones ,etc., from Hancock County, Illinois,- Two large mortars from a mound in Dallas City.

[[underline]] M. H. Thomson, Pecan Point, Mississippi County, Arkansas. [[/underline]]
Collection of stone and bone implements, and clay vessels, from Indian graves near Pecan Point.

[[underline]] Rev. T. D. Weems, Griggsville, Pike County, Illinois. [[/underline]] Collection from mounds in Pike County, consisting of flint implements, hammer-stones, grooved axes, etc.