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Office Boston Journal, No 1319 F. Street, Washington, D.C.

In July, 1882, a collection of duplicate archaeological specimens, consisting of rude implements, leaf-shaped implements, cutting tools, scrapers, perforators, arrow and spear-heads, celts, grooved axes, hammer-stones, sinkers, pestles, rubbing stone, pierced stone, and fragments of pottery- 171 specimens in all- were sent to the Fairfield Libary and Museum , at Fairfield Jefferson County, Iowa.

e. [[underline]] Reports on special queries submitted by Director [[/underline]]
 No special reports were called for, but frequent written answers to inquiries relative to archaeological subjects were given.
f. [[underline]] Assistants- acknowledgment of services rendered. [[/underline]] Mr E. P. Upham, my assistant, has performed his various duties- all requiring absolute accuracy - with praiseworthy conscientiousness and zeal. 
Mr. H.A. Parker, whose presence is constantly [[strikethrough]] required [[/strikethrough]] needed in the hall containing the antiquities , deserves commendation for the faithful discharge of his trust.

[[underline]] 3. Work in research. [[/underline]]
a. [[underline]]Investigations completed[[/underline]].
b. [[underline]]Investigations in progress or proposed.[[/underline]]_I have been engaged