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[[underlined]] 4. Present state of collection [[/underlined]]

a. Number of specimens.

1. In reserve series. - 7748.
2. On exhibition. - 21217.
3. Duplicates. - 6547.
4. Total. - 35512.

b. Condition of specimens. - good.

[[underlined]] 5. Plans and recommendations.  [[/underlined]]

a. Desiderata, - The principal desideratum is a copy of the Museum Catalogue; but as I have referred to the subject in my report for November, I need not enlarge on it at present.

I am anxious to see General Capron's Japanese collection removed to the new museum-building.  It is totally out of place in a hall devoted to the exhibition of prehistoric antiquities, and occupies much of the space needed for the accommodation of archaeological specimens.

There is more working-room needed in this department.  I have repeatedly applied for the use of the room joining that in which Mr. Upham works, and I hope that my request will be granted at no