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[[underline]] J. M. Witherow, through Edward Nichols, Hermitage, Ga.-[[/underline]] 1 boat-shaped article, Cherokee Co., N. C. [[/underline]]

[[underline]]Capt. H. S. Hawkins, U. S. A., Ft. Thornburgh, Utah.-[[/underline]] 1 large spear-head, N. E. Utah.

[[underline]]J. J. MacLean, Sitka, Alaska.-[[/underline]] Collection of ethnological specimens from Baranoff Island, S. E. Alaska, consisting of stone adzes, celts, pestles, mortar (1), polishers, spear-heads, charms with family totems carved on one side or both, horn spoons (plain and carved), wooden spoons (plain and ornamented), wooden dishes (carved and inlaid with shells), halibut hooks and club, wooden floats in the shape of ducks, iron knives with carved handles, carved wooden pipes, wooden images, dance rattles, wooden helmets and head-dresses, dancing mask (1), drum used at festivals, etc., bag of gambling sticks, bark rope dancing belts, packing straps, hunting bags, food, each made of bear intestines, cake of pressed blackberries, do. of spruce bark, leather suits of armor, dancing shirts (painted and ornamented), model of fish-trap, dolls with carved bone heads - 148 specs.

[[underline]]C. J.[[??]] Grigsby, Fayetteville Co., Tenn.-[[/underline]] 6 rude stone implements, 3 chipped celts, 5 leaf-shaped implements, 8 cutting tools, 4 spear-heads, 1 arrow-head, 3 perforators, 1 hammer-stone, 31 specs. for exhibition; 15 rude implements, 6 cutting tools, 11 spear-heads for exchange, 36 fragments for storage.- Specs. all from Tennessee.