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from the vicinity of the mound in Henderson County, consisting of leaf - shaped implements, arrow and spear-heads, 3 grooved axes, 1 discoidal stone, and 1 celt-shaped pebble.

[[underline]] Wm. Green, Dallas City.-[[/underline]] 9 specs., surface finds from the vicinity of the mound in Henderson County, consisting of rude flint implements, arrow-heads, and 1 broken spear-head, chipped on one of the sides to serve as a concave scraper.

[[underline]]Wm. Rockel and M. Tandy, Dallas City.-[[/underline]] 76 specs. from mounds on the farm of Conrad Rockel, Henderson County, consisting of rude flint implements, leaf-shaped implements, scrapers, spear-head-shaped implements, arrow-heads, flakes, flat celt, grooved axe, rude maul, rubbing stone, paint-stone, and clay vessel of peculiar form and ornamentation. This vessel arrived in a fragmentary state, and has been restored.

The collection presented by Mssrs. Tandy, Bliss, Gillbresh, Bierman, Green, and Rocket has been numbered, and the specimens mounted and placed on exhibition in Case 80. It fills 8 trays, and is a valuable addition to the Museum.

[[underline]] Dr. M. N. Van Fleet, Nebraska City, Nebraska. -[[/underline]] 1 fragment of a flint implement from Nebraska.

[[Houston R. Harper, Rome, Floyd County, Georgia.-[[/underline]] 13 specs., namely, 3 arrow-heads found near Rome,