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of other work, Mr. Greer was unable to copy from his note-book the localities where the specimens were found except in a general way, but will send a full report later.

[[underline]] Dr. G. H. Taylor, Mobile, Alabama. [[/underline]]_ Collection from shell-heaps near Mobile: Fragment of a large chipped celt, and handles of clay vessels in the form of bird-heads, etc.

[[underline]] C. C. Nutting, U.S. National Museum. [[/underline]]_ Collection from Ometepec Island, Lake of Nicaragua: Round and shoe-shaped burial-urns, small vessels of various shapes, some painted and others ornamented with incised lines or with figures in relief, toy vessels found in burial urns, clay sinkers, legs of tripod vases, rude stone carving (human head), flint flakes, 1 arrow-head, 1 shell implement, and a number of fragments of human skulls and bones. Also 1 large stone figure (human), described in Mr. Nuttings report.  The clay vessels arrived in a very fragmentary state, especially the large ones, but they have partly been restored. Among the painted vessels are some very fine specimens.

[[Jose Zeledon, Costa Rica. [[/underline]] _1 stone carving (human head), 1 stone figure (animal-shaped), 1 small metate, 1 pestle, and 10 clay vessels, some painted, others ornamented with raised figures. There is no statement concerning the localities where