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^[[83]] ^[[22 S.C.]][[line referring 22 S.C. to the following heading]]

[[underline]] Review of Researches prosecuted upon Material belonging to the Department. [[/underline]]

The composition of my work on prehistoric fishing necessitated a careful study of all articles bearing on fishing. Dr J.F. Bransford, U.S.N., was occupied during a part of the year in writing an account of his latest explorations in Central america, and describing the specimens there collected. Mr W.H. Holmes, of of the Bureau of Ethnology, has, for literary purposes, examined the shell objects and ceramic specimens in this Department.

I have devoted all my time, not spent in routine work, to my publication on fishing, and have therefore not composed smaller articles, excepting one on "Indian Stone Graves," which appeared in the "American Naturalist" for Feb. 1883, p.130-^[[1]]34.

[[double underline]] Present State of the Collection. [[/double underline]] ^/[[S. C.]]

[[double underline]]Number of specimens[[/double underline]] ^/[[Brev. S. C.]]

1. In reserve series 8,043.
2. On exhibition 24,731.
3. Duplicates 7,717.
4. Total 40,491.

[[double underline]]Accessions during the year 1883.[[double underline]]^/[[Brev. S. C.]]

1. Exhibition 3,514.
2. Reserve or study series 655
3. Duplicates 1,170.
4. Total 5,339.