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shell implement, and a number of fragments of human skulls and bones. Also 1 large stone figure (human), described in Mr. Nutting's report. The clay vessels arrived in a very fragmentary state, especially the large ones, but they have partly been restored. Among the painted vessels are some very fine specimens.
^[[34]] [[underlined]]José Zeledon, Costa Rica.---[[/underlined]] 1 stone carving (human head), 1 stone figure (animal-shaped), 1 small metate, 1 pestle, and 10 clay vessels, some painted, others ornamented with raised figures. There is no statement concerning the localities where the specimens were found, although (with the exception of one vessel (which is undoubtedly of Peruvian origin), they do not differ in character from other Costa Rican objects sent by Mr. Zeledon last year.

[[underlined]]Samuel Johnson, Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia.[[/underlined]]--- 8 arrow-heads found in the vicinity of Parkersburg, Very good specimens.

[[underlined]]Ernest E.T.Seton, De Winton Farm, Carberry, Manitoba, Canada.---[[/underlined]] 2 grooved mauls and 27 chips of chalcedony, jasper, etc., found on Big Plain, Carberry, Manitoba. Also 2 arrow-heads from Galt, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada.  The mauls are very good specimens.

[[underlined]]Minor C.Keith, Limon, Costa Rica.---[[/underlined]] 12 large sculptures representing men and animals, and 3 small fragments. From Dos Novillos, on the line of the Costa Rica [[^capitalization sign]]railroad, about 49 miles from the coast.  A valuable addition to the collection of antiquities from Costa Rica.
[[underlined]]Dr J.F.Bransford, U.S.Navy.---[[/underlined]] 2 small stone sculptures (human) from the Pacuare Cut, Limon [[^capitalization sign]]railroad, Costa Rica.

[[underlined]]Capt.A.Briand, Havre, France.---[[/underlined]] 1 hammer-stone and 16 flint scrapers (neolithic), from Elbeuf, Department de la Seine---Infériure, France.