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[handwritten cursive script; white paper, black ink]
[embossed image of 3 mast sailing ship upper right corner]

banks of the Tennessee River, near Decatur, Morgan County, Alabama, consisting of flakes of flint and chert, rude implements, hammer- stones, cutting tools, perforators, arrow and spear-heads, chipped celts, fragments of pottery and of human ^(?) and animal bones, 86 specimens for exhibition, 62 for exchange, 94 fragments for storage.  Some of these specimens are from a shell-heap and from a mound; the remainder surface-finds.

[[underlined]]C. T. Grigsby, Fayetteville, Lincoln County, Tennessee. -[[/underlined]]
Collection from the vicinity of Fayetteville, namely, 1 large leaf-shaped implement with scraper cavities, 1 leaf-shaped implement, partially "glazed", 1 fragment of a large implement showing patina of considerable depth, arrow and spear-heads, perforators, ^1 scraper, hammer-stones, celts, 1 celt-gouge, and 1 discoidal stone, 36 specimens for exhibition; 72 for exchange, 34 fragments for storage.

[[underline]]J. M. Roberts, Clinton, East Feliciana County, Louisiana.[[/underline]]
Small collection from the vicinity of Clinton, viz: perforators, cutting tools, arrow and spear-heads, 1 hammer stone (?), 1 small paint-mortar of reasonable form, 1 pestle, 1 small boat-shaped article, 1 large bead of compact quartzite, 1 pebble showing a slight cavity, and 1 fragment of a polished celt, 18 specimens for exhibition.  Altogether a good collection.

[[underline]]Dr. H. C. Yarrow, Washington, D.C.-[[/underline]]
A clay vessel with