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[[underlined]] Accessions during the year 1884. [[/underlined]]

   Exhibition and study series,            3956.

   Duplicates.                             1185. 
   Total.                                  5141.

5.[[underlined]] Recommendations and general Remarks. [[/underlined]]

In this year, as in preceding ones, I have endeavored to carry on the dualistic system adopted in arranging the antiquities of this country.

1. There is a large collection (mostly exhibited in flat cases), which consists of relics of chipped and ground stone, of copper, bone, horn, shell, clay, and, to a small extent, of wood.  These objects have been grouped according to material, and then classed under such denominations as their forms suggested.  Similarity of shape afforded the principal guidance in arranging these specimens.  This arrangement offers to the intelligent visitor an opportunity to take