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[upper right embossed 3 mast sailing ship]
[handwritten cursive script; white lined paper, black ink]

of pottery, and 3 human skulls with fragments of jaws. - 68 specimens for exhibition, 6 for exchange, 4 for storage.
In 10 cases only the place of discovery is indicated.  In his letter, dated February 4, 1884, Mr. Clark states: "I can give a detailed history of almost every specimen, if you desire."  He should be urged again to furnish the accessory information, or else his collection, otherwise very good, will lose much of its value.
Otago Museum, New Zealand. -  6 stone adzes and 3 fragments of stone implements.  Sent from storage room.
L.H. Taylor, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. -
[above text underlined] 
2 grooved axes, Wilkesbarre.  Sent from storage.
R.W.C. Stearns, U.S. National Museum. -  1 stone mortar from Auurn, Placer County, California.
Dr. Nichols Leon, Morelia, State of Michoacan, Mexico. -
[above text underlined] 
Photography of a clay image, found in the Cerro del Tzirate, municipality of Guiroga, district of Morelia.
   Mr. Upham was for six days unable to perform his duties,owing to a severe attack of malarial fever.  My work on prehistoric fishing is now in type, and embraces 335 pages, exclusive of index.  The printers are finishing the plates by inserting the electro-types of the illustrations in their proper places.  When this is done, I have to read the plate-proof with