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[upper left handwritten cursive script in black ink what appears to be initials "GS" above to left of embossed 3 mast sailing ship]
[upper right bates-type stamp "S" in green ink; "37294" black ink]
[handwritten cursive script; white lined paper, black ink]

Report on the Operations in the Department of Antiquities, U.S. National Museum, during July, 1884.
[above text underlined] 
Specification of Additions.
[above text underlined and indented]
Mrs. ?.E. King, through Charles Mohr, Mobile, Alabama. -
[above text underlined] 
Cast of a carved human stone head, found in a shell-heap in Baldwin County, Alabama.  The original was loaned to the Museum and delivered, after having been made, one of which is on exhibition the other is reserved for future use. 
G.W. Brown, Purgitsville, Hampshire County, West Virginia. -
[above text underlined] 
1 noted stone club.
J.F. Kummerfeld, Minden, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. -
[above text underlined] 
1 catlinite pipe from Dakota and 1 natural formation, resembling a stone head.

This is the dead season of the year, when but few few specimens arrive.  A small collection of flint articles was sent by R.R. Smith, of Tulip, Dallas County, Arkansas.  Among them are good specimens, and it would be advisable to purchase the lot.  However, he do not state where the objects were found.  I have written to him, enclosing a copy of my circular.  I shall hear from hi in a few days.  The collection of stone axes, arrow-heads, etc., from John H. Lemon, of New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana, is also rather good, and as he offers