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[[underline]] Report on the Operations in the Department of Antiquities, U.S. National Museum, during September, 1884. [[/underline]]

This month was entirely devoted to the preparation of the collection of aboriginal stone objects which are to be exhibited at New Orleans. The chief work being now performed, the entering of new antiquities will be resumed to-morrow. As I worked with a view to detach the New Orleans collection permanently - for future occasions - from the general collection; it was not an easy task to make a judicious selection. I have endeavored to prepare a good series for New Orleans, and to preserve at the same time the integrity of the general collection - insomuch that even the loss of the detached portion would not prove a very great calamity.
The New Orleans Collection, of course, consists of chipped and ground articles. The first-named series is composed of what I might call duplicates of no great value, and of 50 or 60 very good specimens, the loss of which would be deplorable. Of these, therefore, I intend to send [[underline]] casts [[/underline]] to New Orleans, and to put the originals back in their proper places. The ground New Orleans series will be almost entirely made up of casts. Mr. Hendly is industriously at work in the making of moulds. They will also serve future purposes. On your return to Washington you doubtless will approve of my plan in every detail.