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Ollie J. Brooks.

[[image - black & white photograph of O. J. Brooks]]
[[caption]] O.J. BROOKS. [[/caption]] 

Mr. Ollie J. Brooks entered Lincoln Institute at the age of fifteen, and spent five years. With this training and the inspiration which he had obtained here, in 1892 he went to Galesburg, Illinois, to attend a school of art. After spending one term there, he was encouraged to go to Chicago, where he worked under an artist for a time. From here he went to the Rocky Mountains, which furnish such beautiful scenes for sketching, and spent two years. 

Many of his paintings, both in oil and pastel, may be found on the walls of churches, schools and colleges in Missouri, Kansas and other States. Among them might be mentioned L'Overture and Dumas' Schools in St. Louis, Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Western College, Macon, Missouri; in the ladies' parlor of St. 

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Ollie J. Brooks

Paul's A. M. E. church, and the First Baptist church in Kansas City, Kansas. 

Mr. Brooks has his assistants, two young ladies, former pupils of his, one of whom, Miss La Count, has been in his studio for six years, and Miss Katcher for two years. 

His studio is located at 1512 N. Fifth street, Kansas City, Kansas.