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My Private Dentist

When I went to my private dentist I saw so many things. He had a room with lots of tools in cases. Before he uses his tools he sterilizes them. In the X-Ray room there was a machine that took X-Ray picture of teeth.

I think people should go to the dentist twice a year. It is important that you go to the dentist because your teeth might decay. You must brush your teeth after each meal. We must eat the right foods such as fruit, meats, milk and vegetables.

Delores Cruse
Age 8
E. H. Polk, Teacher

Cleaning My Teeth

Each night as I go to my pillow
each night as I go to my bed
I clean my teeth with toothpaste
And chase each disease germ away
Rub, rub, scrub, scrub, until each germ is dead.

Each morn as I wake from my slumber ,
All rested and straight for the day,
I gather my toothbrush and paste
And chase each disease germ away
Rub, rub, scrub, scrub, until each germ is dead.

4B Pupils
P.E. Johnson, Teacher

Examination of Pupils by Doctor

[[image - black & white photograph of a Doctor examining a pupil]]

The Doctor
I like the doctor,
When I'm sick
He fixes me up
Real, real quick

Dorcus Henderson
Age 6
D. H. Hillard, Teacher

Dr. Brown
Twice a year, we go down 
Just to visit Dr. Brown
Dr. Brown our teeth inspects
To keep them free from all defects.

Sermall Jackson
H. B. Jackson, Teacher

My Doctor Friend
One Day I fell,
The doctor made me feel well.

John Harley
Age 5 
J. Dennis, Teacher

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