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The collection from Mexico sent by L. H. Aymé, mentioned in the report for March, has been placed on exhibition in Case 13.

The collection of flakes and rude implements received from Mr. Joseph Willcox, and mentioned in this report, has been put in Case 82.

The arranging of the specimens received from the Bureau of Ethnology was contineud, and collections from the following districts were placed on exhibition:

1. Early County, Georgia. E. Palmer.
2. Chester County, South Carolina. The same.
3. Bartow County, Georgia. J. P. Rogan.
4. Union County, Illinois. L. H. Thing and G. D. Middleton.
5. Lonoke, Hot Sprine, Crittenden, and Poinsett Counties, Arkansas. E. Palmer and G. D. Middleton.
6. Mandan Ruins, 10 miles from Bismarck, Dakota. P. W. Norris.

^[[(May 1)]]
Smithsonian Institution, March 1, 1885.

Professor S. F. Baird.

C. Rau