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[[upper right corner]] S 50020. [[/upper right corner]]

[[underline]] Report on the Operations in the Department of Antiquities, U.S. National Museum, during December, 1885. [[/underline]]


Number of specimens entered in Record Book, for exhibition 134. In Loan Book 1.

Specification of Additions.
Accession 15735.
Miles Rock, Washington, D.C. [[/underline]] ---A boulder with sculptured human face, from the ruins of Saculeo, near Huehuetenango, Guatemala, a place supposed to be the capital of the Mam Indian Kings; and a sculptured stone from the ruins of an altar in an ancient temple on the summit of Cerro Ixbul, 40 miles S.E. from Comitan, in Mexico.

Accession 16879.
J.W. Johnson, Fort Alexander, Alaska [[/underline]] .---A slate knife-blade, 2 celts, and 3 adzes from Alaska.

Accession 16919.
Edward Palmer, U.S. National Museum [[/underline]] .---Sixteen specimens of burnt clay bearing impressions of sticks, twigs etc., from a mound in Arizona. See "American Naturalist, 1885;" article on burnt clay in mounds.

Accession 16946.
T.F. Spangler, Zanesville, Ohio. [[/underline]] ---Collection of arrow and spear-heads, scrapers etc., from the neighborhood of Flint Ridge, Muskingum County, Ohio.---109 specimens mounted on 9 serviceable tablets. The latter were retained; but as the specimens were attached with twine, they had to be remounted with copper wire. This collection contains a number of articles of a superior character.