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R.E.C. Sterns as follows: [[underline]]Agaronia testacea[[/underline]], Lam., [[underline]]Strombus galeatus[[/underline]], Wood, [[underline]]Conus brunneus[[/underline]], Wood, [[underline]]Conus pyriformis[[/underline]], Rve, [[underline]]Conus princeps[[/underline]], Lin.,[[underline]]Conus purpurascens[[/underline]], Broad, [[underline]]Cassis coarctata[[/underline]], Sby., [[underline]]Oliva angulata[[/underline]], Lam., [[underline]]Margaritifera fimbriata[[/underline]], Dkr., and [[underline]] Mytilus palliopunctatus[[/underline]], Dkr.

"All of the specimens of Oliva," says Mr. Stearns in his note, "are [[underline]]Oliva angulata[[/underline]], and with an occasional exception belong to the variety of the species known as [[underline]]Oliva julicta[[/underline]], Duclos.

Mr. Aymé's catalogue of the collection has never been received in this Department.

^[[16350]][[underline]]Ky. G. Smith, Augusta, Bracken County, Kentucky.-[[/underline]] Two leaf-shaped implements, 2 scrapers, and 10 arrow-heads, from Kentucky; 5 specimens for exhibition, 9 for exchange. ^[[16315]] Also a large collection from Flint Ridge, Licking County, Ohio, consisting of hammer-stones of flint, quartzite, etc., small flint cores, large rude implements (or cores), rude implements more or less leaf-shaped, cutting and drilling-tools, mostly unfinished, and a large anvil-stone. (?) 1178 specimens.

Typical specimens from this collection, with others from the same locality previously received from Mr. Smith, will be placed together in one case. Quite a number can be used for exchange. 

Mr. Smith, who formerly placed the initials C. M. before his name, ^[[now]] signs himself Ky. G. Smith/see accom-