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panying letter).

[[red ink]] 16421. [[/red ink]]
[[underline]]W. Kinney, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio._ [[/underline]] A copper ornament from a mound in Greenup County, Kentucky. The specimen is not in its original shape [thus [[image: double headed axe-type shape with 2 perforations]] ], but bent double, doubtless with a view to frustrate further use after its' deposition. European bronze swords from graves are sometimes treated in the same manner.

I take the following from Mr. Kinney's letter: "The copper relic was found in an outlying mound in Greenup County, Kentucky, nearly opposite the mouth of the Scioto River, and one of the group so frequently referred to by Squier and others. The mound from which the specimen was taken is in the first or lower river-terrace, while the main works are on the next. On one occasion a half-bushel basketful of these ornaments was found and sent to the smelter."

[[red ink]] 15722. [[/red ink]]
[[underline]] U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross.- [[/underline]] Three pieces of stucco from the Island of Cozumel, Yucatan. No further information furnished.

[[red ink]] 16455.-16441.* [[/red ink]]

[[underline]] Dr. J.L. DeWitt, Newton, Vernon County, Wisconsin._ [[/underline]] Two drilled bears' teeth, 2 bone ornaments, 2 small sheets of native sliver, shaped by beating, and 6 cylindrical copper beads from a mound at Warner's Landing, Vernon County. The pieces of sheet silver are of special interest, being the first specimens of this kind given to the National Museum. He also sent from the same mound, [[underline]] as a loan [[/underline]], a small copper celt-gouge