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A cast of pipe of banded slate, in the form of a grotesque human face. The original, found in Jefferson County, was loaned to the U. S. National Museum by Mr. Harrison, for the purpose of having a cast made, and was returned to the Registrar October 27th, 1885.

[[underline]]Accession Number 16673[[/underline]]
[[underline]]Alexander C. Black, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C.[[/underline]]- A leaf shaped implement and 11 spear-heads from Randolph County, Indiana; 5 specimens for exhibition; 7 for exchange.

The early part of the month was spent in marking a considerable portion of the 1178 specimens from Flint Ridge, Ohio, sent by Mr. Ky. Q. Smith. They had been entered and partly marked in the preceding month. The most characteristic of these specimens were selected, systematically arranged, and put on exhibition. They fill one half of upright case 62. Much time was devoted to the assorting and preparing for exhibition collections received from the Bureau of Ethnology. These collections are deposited in the wall case at the western end of the hall. It is my purpose to empty this large case as quickly as possible, in order to have it shelved for the reception of our large series of collections from shell-heaps. The [[^above-mentioned]] work, which is of a very tedious character, will probably occupy a considerable portion of the month