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The National Negro Opera Foundation

From actual experience the National Negro Opera Company, Mary Cardwell Dawson, founder and producer, discovered that the production cost of Operas can be fully met only through substantial subsidies by the Friends of Opera. To guarantee Opera production requires income far in excess of spending. To offset these headaches and put the organization on a sound business basis, the National Negro Opera Company Foudnation was organized.

The National Negro Opera Company Foundation has its Charter and was incorporated in the District of Columbia the 31st day of March, 1950. The term, perpetual.

The Business and objects of the Corportation: To develop and encourage Musical talent, and attainments. To establish a sustaining fund and to support the National Negro Opera Company in its productions.

Affiliated Guilds



TO CULTIVATE a proper appreciation or the cultural background that Opera offers.

TO INSPIRE composers of both races in the creation of operatic composition using Negro Spiritual and Creole folk tunes as background.

TO OFFER opportunity to the Negro singer and musician in the field of Grand Opera.

TO AID the promotion of movements which will lead ultimately to more serious creative efforts in the field of orchestral and operatic music. Believing such movements must stem largely from basic educational and interracial efforts and programs. We hope to see our many universities and music schools initate projects which will lead to the establishment of operatic groups and orchestras of symphonic proportions. 

OUR AIM: To purcahse national opera headquarters where operatic productions, regular rehearsals for soloists, chorus, ballet dancers and symphony orchestras can be held. To provide suitable accomodations where gifted composers may engage in operatic compositions and research. Storage room, offices and other facilities for productions. 

Washington, D. C. Headquarters
1037 Evarts St., N. E.,
Washington 18, D. C. 
LAwrence  6-5232

Contribute to
The National Negro Opera Company Foundation