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Sat. July 19, 8 P.M.  Griffith Stadium

Sponsored by the Washington Guild of The National Negro Opera Co., Inc.

The largest galaxy of stars from New York, Chicago, Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Washington ever assembled in D. C. will appear at the BIG FESTIVAL. Opera Choruses will sing exceprts and the GREAT TRIUMPHANT CHORUS from "AIDA" (in costume) The Soul Stirring "HALLELUJAH CHORUS" from Dett's. "THE ORDERING OF MOSES" (Dramatized) Bands and Orchestras will appear. 

[[image: black and white photo of musicians]]

TICKETS $1.00, $1.80 BOXES $2.50

ON SALE - Willard Hotel, 14 and Penn. Ave. Dunbar Hotel, 15b and You St. Dunbar Gift Shoppe, and Music Studios, Agnes Marie Beauty Shoppe, 3114 11th St. N.W. Three Score Drug Store 1348 You St. N.W. Louis Antoinette Novelty Shoppe 924 You St. N.W Y.W.C.A. Rhode Island Ave, Y.M.C.A. Uptown and Downtown Harts Barner Shop 1023 You St. N.W., 1037 Evarts St. N.E. Box Office Griffith Stadium.
Dr. Jene A. Keene, General Ch.
Marhy Cardwell Dawson. Managing Dir. 
For futher Information Phone DE. 5232
Special attention given to mail order -- Write to 1037 Evarts St. N.E. Washington 18, Washington Guild of the National Negro Opera Co. Inc. make checks payable to the company.