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G/M   Sept. 25th. 1922

Secretary to Mr. Everett MACY
128, Broadway
[[underlined]] NEW YORK [[/underlined]]

Dear Sir,-
     When Mr. E. MACY bought from us the pictures which are now in your possession, we told him that the name of the artist who painted them was unknown to us, but that we would get them photographed and have the photos sent to Germany to the Director of the Berlin Museum, who might perhaps be capable of attributing them; this opinion we would then be pleased to send Mr. MACY.
     As Mr. MACY told us that he was going away on a long journey, and as we do not know whereto correspond with him, we take therefore the liberty of writing to you and, upon his return, you might be so kind as to show him these lines, so that he will realize that we have kept our promise.
     Following is the translation of part of the letter which we received from Dr. FRIEDLANDER, Director of the Berlin Museum, and which interests directly the above mentioned pictures:
"The 16 pictures are part of a portative altar, the small 
"ones were on the outside and the inside of the wings of the 
"altar. The work is rather well carried out and looks, as 
"much as I can realize, in remarkable condition. It has the

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