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March 9th 1923

Colonel H.H.ROGERS
Hotel Ritz,
Place Vendôme
P A R I S.-

My dear Colonel Rogers,

I have just come home from London, and I hope that you will allow me to express the regrets which I have of not having seen Mrs Rogers or yourself again.

I am especially upset, because I ordered for Mrs Rogers, a stand in wood, painted white and gilt, for the little FALCONET, in which I put all my heart, knowledge and taste, because I wanted to make you something really delicious; and it would truly have flattered my "amour-propre" if I had been able to show it to you and to know whether I have succeeded to give pleasure to Mrs Rogers.

But you see, this life is so astonishing that I really ought not to be upset for such a small matter. We cannot always have in business, the satisfaction which we really deserve.

In my absence, your Secretary came to my Secretary and told him to send all the goods which you have been kind enough to buy from me, to your office.

Transcription Notes:
top left-hand corner of page also appears to have imprint of the words 'Rogers' and 'Broadway' (written backwards)