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[[underline]] Accession 17762. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] O. M. Bryan, Marshall Hall, Charles County, Maryland._ [[/underline]] Collection from Charles County: A hammer-stone, chips and flakes of flint, quartzite, etc., rude and leaf-shaped implements, arrow and spear-heads, a rude chipped axe, a grooved axe, fragments of pierced tablets, fragments of potstone bowls and clay vessels, and shells of [[underline]]Unio[[/underline]] and [[underline]]Ostrea[[/underline]]; 183 specimens for exhibition, 133 for exchange, and the rest stored, as stated.

[[underline]] Accession 17908. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Henry J. Biddle, Centre, Cherokee County, Alabama._ [[/underline]]
Collection from an old camping-ground on the bank of the Coosa River, Cherokee County: A scraper, arrow-heads, a fragment of a polished celt, a large oval digging-tool with a ground cutting-edge, a fragment of a pierced tablet, fragments of pottery, and a number of shells (not yet determined); also 2 clay vessels, a fragment of burned clay, shell and glass beads (3 strings), an old iron knife-blade, and a human skull and long bones from a grave in the camping-ground. The skull is greatly distorted by compression. 223 specimens in all.

[[underline]] Accession 17939. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] L. C. Leith, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas._ [[/underline]] An arrow-head from Padre Island, South Texan coast.

[[underline]] Accession 17940. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] G. L. Faucher, West Winsted, Litchfield County, Connecticut_ [[/underline]]
A leaf-shaped implement and 4 arrow-heads from West Winsted.