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Mound, Lynxville, Crawford County.

[[underline]] Arkansas. [[/underline]]
Mound, Pecan Point, Mississippi County.

[[underline]] Canada. [[/underline]]
Surface, Saint Thomas, Ontario.

[[underline]] From a Contributor. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Alabama. [[/underline]]
Old camping-ground on the bank of the Coosa River, Cherokee County._ H. J. Biddle.

During this month the greater part of the time was spent in assorting and arranging the above-mentioned collections.

My literary ^ [[insert]]work[[/insert]] has fairly progressed in this month. The sections treating of [[underline]]stone[[/underline]] and [[underline]]copper[[/underline]], which embrace by far the greater portion of the "classification," are finished.

Smithsonian Institution,
January 3, 1887.

Professor S. F. Baird.

C. Rau