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A copper dart-head, found near the south end of Owasco Lake, Cayuga County, New York. Purchased.

[[underline]] Accession 18768. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Mrs. Abner Foster, Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois._ [[/underline]]
Two human skulls from a mound near Browning, Schuyler County, and 4 human skulls, six lower jaws and upper jaw from a mount 1 mile from Beardstown.

[[horizontal line]]

I was sick most of the time during January. On the 28th of that month my condition became so bad that I had to be brought to the hospital, where I remained until April 11th, on which day I resumed my duties. During my absence Mr. Upham, ably assisted by Mr. James Y. Leech, was almost exclusively engaged in the entering of the Wilson collection.

Smithsonian Institution, May 2, 1887.

Professor S. F. Baird.

C. Rau

Transcription Notes:
Verified spellings for place names.