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preparatory to the proposed re-arrangement of the cases in the museum, placing four rows of cases instead of three, as before, and making three aisles, one of which is the center, instead of four aisles as heretofore. By this arrangement much space is gained. The cases which before approached the center of the hall, and so nearly covered it, are now retired towards either end of the hall ^[[,]] leaving a large space in the center which affords room for re-arrangement and better display of the Pueblo village models and the Mexican architectural sculptures (Lorillard and Abadiano collections) which have heretofore been so much crowded as to do them injustice. The aisles though among the cases are slightly narrower than before, but by the substitution of single for double cases, as heretofore employed, the lateral aisles have been widened so as to afford ample relief against any crowd however large. I am satisfied that we [[insert]] could [[/insert]] manage withour crowding the 29,000 persons who visited the