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man in America has begun only of late years, we are yet in the infancy of our knowledge, while we may not know much, if anything, concerning his history or life prior to the discovery of America in 1492; from whence he came, to what race he belonged, nor what were his habits, customs, or monuments prior to that time. We are still in the infancy of our knowledge of those things which were peculiar to him since the discovery, and which were manifested to us in every period of our contact with him. The study of his language, sociology, religion, mythology, has but just begun. Other men have written descriptions of their visits to the Red Man of North America, have given histories of their travels, and have written many entertaining books concerning him. But these have largely been fugitive, isolated, and without connection with any other than the tribe visited, the voyage described, or the travel undertaken. Nor was there any connection proposed between these writers and others who might have