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was taken into the King's Cabinet and served the later years of his life as Minister of Public Instruction.
I need not mention the great prehistoric museums of Germany.  That at Berlin with Virchow, probably the leading anthropologist of the world, at its head, Dr. Johanas Ranke at Munich, and so they are dotted over the country in every city from the Baltic to the Alps.
Much might be expected from Switzerland for it is the land of the prehistoric lake-dwellers; and she has not disappointed our expectations.  Berne, the capital, has no less than three governmental prehistoric museums; one belonging to the republic, was purchased by it lately from Dr. Gross of Neuveville for the sum of 60,000 francs.  The Canton and the City each own a prehistoric museum of no mean extent, where are gathered and displayed all objects found in the neighborhood.  The other cities and cantons of Switzerland are equally alive to the importance