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of this science, and equally active in its study and pursuit. Geneva with Dr. Gosse at its head, La^[[u]]sanne with Morel-Fatio, Yverdon, Neuchatel, Biencille, Steen, Constance, Zurich, are all active, energetic, and industrious in gathering the objects in their neighborhood, and in general increase and diffusion of knowledge concerning their prehistoric ancestors and people.
The same story may be told with regard to Italy, Genoa, Pisa, Turin, Milan, Verona, Vicenza, Parma, Regio, Bologna, Imola, Marzebotta, Florence, Arretzo, Cortona, Perugia, Chiusi, Corneto, all possess extensive museums, and so down to Rome where are to be found three or four great governmental establishments organized with presidents and professors, and approaching the dignity of institutes and colleges with museums attached, all devoted to the study of antiquities, almost if not quite prehistoric.
This list might be extended indefinately. Austria, Hungary, Pologne, Russia are all interested